Wonderland Road Trip Getting out of town, for me, is sometimes a challenge in itself. I had sworn to myself that I would leave early Sunday morning, maybe as early as 4am. Since the drive time to Santa Fe is about 14 hours, I'd get there before sunset and in so doing pass through the highest points of the route (the Arizona Divide, just west of Flagstaff; the Continental Divide, just east of Gallup, NM) during the warmest part of the day. This would tend to remove the concern about black ice and snow from the drive. As it was, however, I woke up to the warming sun, read the paper, puttered about, cleaned the living room, played with the cat, etc. And I knew that the truck was due for its oil change and the tires needed to be rotated. Underlying all this was a general lethargy on going anywhere, and instead staying home and spending time vegetating there. The truck was packed, so once that was completed, I could continue east into Arizona. altadena, los angeles county, california 54505 @ 245pm -- pasadena -- interstate 210 (foothill freeway); michillinda avenue (named after the three primary colonies that settled the san gabriel valley over 100 years ago; michigan-illinois-indiana -- arcadia the san gabriel mountains stand out in sharp relief -- monrovia mount san gorgonio (the highest peak in southern california at 11,503'), mount san jacinto (10,834') and mount san antonio, aka mount baldy (10,094'), each the highest peak in its respective mountain range, are all visible on this clear winter's day -- duarte -- irwindale the stench of the miller brewery is tremendous; i wonder how people can live downwind of it? of course, the brewery has been here longer than the more recent neighborhoods but there must be a lot of resentment; on a lite note, the miller beer sign at the brewery is rumored to be the world's largest rotating sign, and it's a big one -- azusa there are at least two theories on the origin of the name "azusa": the first is that it's a derivation of a local indian word; the second is that it means "everything from a to z in the usa", which smacks of definite boosterism, especially since there's little here but the entrance to the huge san gabriel canyon -- glendora got the tires rotated (ya know, the tires only work if they rotate, so i'm not sure why i had to do this) -- san dimas the traffic, while light, was concentrated enough that I could do no better than 65-70 mph -- san jose hills (raging waters and bonelli regional park)-- pomona home to the los angeles fair and the world's largest computer shows held on a monthly basis -- interstate 10 (san bernardino freeway) -- claremont -- san bernardino county -- montclair about 12 miles due north at mountain avenue is mt san antonio peak -- ontario -- upland approaching the interstate 10 / 15 interchange, i reconsidered my route selection - i had planned to take interstate 15 to barstow, thence interstate 40 east about 600 miles to interstate 25 at albuquerque - from there it was an easy 72 miles up interstate 25 to my mom's; but, it was 4pm, the weather forecast promised a cold night at the higher elevations in arizona, and flagstaff was 7000' up; i wouldn't get there until around midnight, and if i were to want to stop and sleep it would be a very cold night, with reported temps around 0°f; even sleeping in the truck i'd freeze - in fact, that route would place me at an elevation of more than a mile soon after crossing into arizona, and that'd be only about 4 hours away -- guasti i quickly reviewed the potential routings, and selected the interstate 10 to phoenix route; from there i could take arizona state route 87 (the beeline hwy) from mesa northeast to payson, then continue north and east up over the mogollon rim and into the painted desert; it'd be at least 6 hours before i'd get above a mile elevation so i could go farther and still stay warmer tonight -- fontana -- bloomington -- rialto -- colton -- san bernardino the interstate 10 / interstate 215 freeway interchange is huge, with high bridges that arc across the sky; the interchange is built upon the trace of the san jacinto earthquake fault; in robert sharp's text of geology: field guide to southern california (1976) he states "i never pass over, under or through this freeway interchange without imploring the earthquake gods to hold everything for a few seconds until i am clear of the maze of structures" -- loma linda -- redlands -- yucaipa local sunset at about 4:40pm -- calimesa -- riverside county -- beaumont the top of the san gorgonio pass at about 2600' -- banning -- cabazon about 3 miles east of the big lizards i cross the 21-mile-long line that connects the two highest peaks in southern california, san gorgonio on the north and san jacinto to the south; the two peaks tower some 9,000' to 10,000' above me, providing a local topographic relief no less formidable than the sierra or the rockies and exceeded only by denali, at least in north america -- whitewater san gorgonio pass is also called whitewater pass -- whitewater river (dry): issues forth from whitewater canyon, which drains the southeast face of san gorgonio mountain; a desert river, there is rarely any surface water -- coachella valley -- garnet the local hills and desert floor are covered with wind-powered electricity generators, a vast sea of whirlagigs that make only a faint humming noise as they rotate in the usually fierce wind that channels through this pass -- palm springs -- thousand palms i've never verified this -- bermuda dunes -- indio the date capital of the world, and low point of the trip at about 10' below sea level; to the southeast, the salton sink reaches an elevation of about 230' below sea level, exceeded in north america only by badwater (-278') at death valley -- cactus city really just a caltrans highway rest stop but some maintenance folks live out here -- shavers valley -- chiriaco summit home to the general george patton museum; the desert out here and to the northeast was used by patton during the early years of world war two as a training ground for learning desert warfare against the nazis -- chuckwalla valley -- desert center immortalized in the suburban lawn's classic "flying saucer safari" -- hell never saw anything but it's on the map -- palo verde mesa -- nicholls warm springs -- palo verde valley -- blythe the scent of chemical-powered agriculture, pesitcides, herbicides, fungicides and somewhere in there the smell of good earth and water -- colorado river, a mere shadow of its former self -- arizona -- la paz county -- saguaro cacti ehrenberg -- dome rock mountains -- la posa plain -- quartzsite snowbird heaven; old chainsmoking geezers, rockhounds and junk traders maintain tables piled high with artifacts of previous and alternate civilizations, all for sale at reasonable prices -- plomosa mountains -- ranegras plain -- maricopa county -- harquahala plains -- tonopah desert tonopah not the tonopah from the country song -- hassayampa river (dry) -- buckeye nary a ohioan to be seen; wonder if that's where the name originated? -- buckeye valley -- white tanks mountains -- goodyear -- agua fria river (dry) -- salt river valley -- tolleson -- phoenix -- sr202 -- scottsdale -- salt river (mostly dry) -- tempe -- mesa@2210 - got fuel 54899, 31.4 gal, 1.139/gal, 87 octane at am-pm -- sr87 (country club rd, beeline hwy) -- salt river indian reservation -- fort mcdowell indian reservation -- tonto national forest -- camped out on beeline hwy 3 miles before the bush hwy, on the verge of the adams mesa. up at 0715 mst: in the midst of a saguaro forest -- beeline in nice shape, very scenic, much improved from the last time i drove it in 1992? -- four peaks northeast side with snow -- round valley -- mazatzal mountains -- gila county -- sunflower the highway is two-lane, runs through the middle of a narrow riverbottom -- beeline torn up a bit for a few miles before gila/maricopa county line -- rye snow on roadside -- payson stop and get a refill on my double big gulp of diet coke and a shot of dr pepper -- sr 260 -- star valley -- tonto basin -- kohls ranch -- christopher creek -- impressive roadwork on verge of mogollon rim with multiple bridges over dropoffs on south side of rim -- mogollon rim -- sitgreaves national forest -- coconino county -- arizona department of highways "burma shave"-style sign as follows:
-- 7700' summit -- mogollon mesa -- forest lakes
-- navajo county -- start of good mormon towns -- heber
-- overgaard -- clay springs -- pinedale
-- linden -- showlow the story is
that the townsite ownership traded hands as the result of a lost poker
hand, hence the name -- us60 -- apache county -- sr61 -- concho
-- us180/sr61 -- saint johns -- us191/sr61 -- little
colorado river -- us191 used to be us666 the devils' highway, but i
think that there must have been complaints about the number, so the
dot went and changed most of it; a little further south, the us666 number
had applied for decades to the coronado trail, a sinous, high-altitude
traverse of the high country of the sitgreaves national forest; the
difficulty of that drive certainly made it the devil's highway in my
book -- zuni river -- witch well -- sr61 -- zuni indian
reservation -- new mexico @ 11:30am mst -- mckinley county -- pavement
improves (rare for nm) -- sr53 -- zuni - kids and mongrel
dogs, junk cars -- black rock -- cross rio pescado
-- pescado -- ramah -- lunch at the
stagecoach inn: regular burrito and cup of green chile about $7 w/tax;
pleasant people, good food -- cibola county -- ramah navajo indian reservation
-- sunset village -- el morro national monument --
cibola national forest -- tinaja -- zuni mountains
-- continental divide several days pass; eat at maria's new mexican kitchen, the best new mexican food and margaritas in the world (555 w cordova rd, 505-983-7929), drink at wolf canyon (505-438-7000), eat and drink at catamount bar and grill (125 e water st, 505-988-7222), drink at cowgirl hall of fame (319 s guadalupe 505-982-2565). celebrate new year's with the family. leave mom's at 813am pst -- santa fe -- us285 -- i25
-- us285 (saint francis drive) -- got fuel 55663, 22.0 gal, 1.299/gal,
87 octane at allsups -- sr14 (cerrillos road) -- i25 -- sandoval county
-- santo domingo indian reservation -- san felipe indian reservation
-- algodones -- bernalillo -- sr44
(vasquez de coronado's route) -- rio grande -- santa ana indian reservation
-- zia indian reservation -- zia pueblo -- big chief
35°29.7N / 106° 45.7W up at 0630 -- inside truck temp is 38°f, according to nws, dropped
to at least 31°f outside; however 1/4" thick ice in puddles
on unpaved road; the amtrak southwest chief rolls by around 6:45 --
flagstaff, go to most excellent macy's european coffee
house and bakery and get triple cappucino, blueberry-cinnamon twist
and raspberry cream cheese roll -- sr89a |